Rogue Community College Master Plan Diagram

Rogue Community College Table Rock Campus Master Plan

Hennebery Eddy developed a community college master plan for the RCC Table Rock Campus in White City, Oregon, to accommodate anticipated growth for current and future programs, including career technical education, health professions, and supporting campus life and student services programs. The process was an intentionally streamlined and compressed, allowing Rogue Community College to develop a vetted planning strategy within a limited timeframe so the college could quickly begin work on a recently approved bond measure.

We facilitated a series of workshops with five stakeholder groups to determine the year 2030 needs of the campus programs. These needs were then balanced against available funds to accommodate program growth within broader campus and district goals and constraints. More than 20 initial concepts were explored by the design team; these were distilled into three distinct site plan concepts presented to the steering committee for review and feedback. After selection of the preferred approach, an opinion of probable construction cost (“hard cost”) was developed. Hennebery Eddy also designed the college’s new health professions training center on the campus.

Project Contact

Gregg Sanders AIA